Tag Archives: SEO

Why Google Says I’m an SEO Expert

I’m excited to announce that the last few weeks of powerful SEO dedication to my blog have paid off! My SEO team has been deep in the trenches trying to figure out ways to be found on Google.

Well, lo and behold, I have received my first organic searches from Google!

Hot Cougars

Hot Cougars

Yup, that’s not 1, but 2 people Google searching “hot cougars” and finding the picture associated with this blog about Cougar Mountain.


As a matter of fact, just to grease the SEO wheels a bit…

Hot cougars!

Hot cougars!

Hot cougars!

Unfortunately, you’ll also notice they have a bounce rate of 100% with a site visit duration averaging out to 0 seconds. Meaning my new audience could only spare 0 seconds out of their busy schedule of masturbating to hot cougars to read the blog.

Also, as you’ll see below, a porn site referred a total of 32 people to chelsearant.com. They are my top referrers and top searches. (You’ll see that seoanalyses.com has referred 10 visits, but do *not* go there if you’re looking for SEO advice. It’s porn…not SEO analysis.) I know that’s ironic as I’m bragging about being a SEO person because of porn. But again, that website has nothing to do with SEO and has everything to do with porn and hot cougars.

Hot Cougars

Hot Cougars





I believe this would be referred to what sociologist Robert K. Merton referred to as the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Well, I demand that interneters searching for hot cougars continue finding ChelseaRant.com via Google Image Search. I will keep up with this demand until at least one person who intended to find pictures of hot cougars decides to spend 5 minutes on my website instead.

Will my hot cougars SEO campaign help my site gain some well-deserved recognition? Or will Google put me in the Guantanamo Bay category of “Dangerous site – Do not Visit”?

We shall see. In the meantime…

Hot Cougars!

Hot Cougars!

Hot Cougars!